2024 Pet Holiday Calendar




Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • Walk Your Pet Month
  • National Train Your Dog Month

Daily Pet Holidays

January 2: National Pet Travel Safety Day

January 2: Happy Mew Year for Cats Day

January 5: National Bird Day

January 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day

January 22: National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day

January 24: Change A Pet’s Life Day




Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • Pet Dental Health Month
  • Dog Training Education Month
  • National Cat Health Month
  • Responsible Pet Owners Month
  • Spay/Neuter Awareness Month (AKA Beat the Heat Month)


Week-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

February 7-14: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week

February 18-24: National Justice for Animals Week


Daily Pet Holidays

February 3: National Golden Retriever Day

February 3: Annual Doggie Date Night

February 14: National Pet Theft Awareness Day in US

February 20: Love Your Pet Day

February 22: Walking The Dog Day

February 23: National Dog Biscuit Day

February 27: World Spay Day (Last Tuesday in February)




Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month


Week-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

March 3-9: Professional Pet Sitters Week (observed the first full week of March)

March 17-23: National Animal Poison Prevention Week (observed the third full week of March) 


Daily Pet Holidays

March 1: National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day

March 1: Horse Protection Day

March 1: National Pig Da

March 2: Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Raise begins (First Saturday in March

March 3: World Wildlife Day

March 13: K9 Veterans Day

March 14: UK Dog Theft Awareness Day

March 23: National Puppy Day

March 23: Cuddly Kitten Day

March 28: Respect Your Cat Day

March 30: Take a Walk in the Park Day




Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • Heartworm Awareness Month
  • National Pet First Aid Awareness Month
  • Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month
  • Canine Fitness Month (AKA Active Dog Month)
  • Active Dog Month


Week-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

April 1-7: International Pooper Scooper Week

April 1-7: National Raw Feeding Week

April 7-13: National Dog Bite Prevention Week (observed the second week of April)

April 14-20: Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week (observed the second full week of April)

April 15-21: Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week (observed the third week in April)

April 17-23: National Pet ID Week (observed annually for 7 days beginning on April 17th)

April 23-29: National Scoop the Poop Week


Daily Pet Holidays

April 4: World Stray Animals Day

April 4: World Rat Day

April 6: National Siamese Cat Day

April 8: National Dog Fighting Awareness Day

April 10: National Hug Your Dog Day

April 11: National Pet Day

April 11: Dog Therapy Appreciation Day

April 18: Pet Owners Day

April 18: Get to Know Your Customers Day

April 19: National Cat Lady Day

April 21: Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day

April 23: National Lost Dog Awareness Day

April 23: National Scoop the Poop Week

April 24: World Day for Laboratory Animals

April 24: International Guide Dog Day (observed the last Wednesday in April)

April 27: Free Feral Cat Spay Day

April 26: Hairball Awareness Day (observed the last Friday in April)

April 27: National Little Pampered Dog Day

April 27: World Veterinary Day (observed the last Saturday in April)

April 28: National Pet Parents Day (observed the last Sunday in April)

April 30: Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

April 30: National Therapy Animal Day

April 30: National Tabby Day 




Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • National Pet Month
  • National Service Dog Eye Examination Month
  • National Foster Care Month
  • Chip Your Pet Month
  • Responsible Animal Guardian Month

Week-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

May 5-11: Puppy Mill Action Week (observed the week before Mother's Day)

May 5-11: National Pet Week (observed the first full week in May)

May 5-11: American Humane Be Kind to Animals Week (observed the first full week of May)

May 6-12: Dog Anxiety Awareness Week

May 11-14: Westminster Kennel Club Annual Dog Show 


Daily Pet Holidays

May 1: National Purebred Dog Day

May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day

May 4: Bird Day

May 5: Cinco de Meow Day

May 5: Mayday for Mutts (observed the first Sunday of May)

May 11: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day (observed the second Saturday of May)

May 11: National Dog Mom Day (observed the second Saturday of May)

May 14: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day

May 20: National Rescue Dog Day

May 21: World Dog Day (observed the third Saturday of May)


Daily US Holidays

May 1: May Day

May 5: Cinco de Mayo

May 12: Mother's Day

May 27: Memorial Day 




Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • National Adopt a Cat Month
  • National Pet Preparedness Month
  • National Microchipping Month
  • National Foster a Pet Month


Week-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

June 2-8: Pet Appreciation Week (observed the first full week of June)

June 17-21: Take Your Pet To Work Week®

June 17-23: Animal Rights Awareness Week (observed the third week of June)



Daily Pet Holidays

June 4: Hug Your Cat Day

June 4: International Corgi Day

June 8: National Best Friends Day

June 11: World Pet Memorial Day (observed the second Tuesday in June)

June 17: Take Your Cat To Work Day

June 21: Dog Party Day

June 21: Take Your Dog To Work Day

June 24: Cat World Domination Day

June 29: World Day against the abandonment of domestic animals (held on the last Saturday in June)



Daily US Holidays

June 8: Best Friends Day

June 14: Flag Day

June 16: Father’s Day

June 19: Juneteenth

June 20: Summer Solstice






Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • National Lost Pet Prevention Month
  • National Pet Hydration Awareness Month
  • Independent Retailer Month


Daily Pet Holidays

July 1: National ID Your Pet Day

July 6: International Kissing Day

July 10: National Kitten Day

July 11: All-American Pet Photo Day

July 15: National Pet Fire Safety Day

July 16: World Snake Day

July 18: Get To Know Your Customers Day

July 26: National Dog Photography Day

July 31: National Mutt Day



Daily US Holidays

July 4: Independence Day

July 28: National Parents Day

July 30: International Friendship Day






Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • Rawgust (celebrates raw feeding for our pets)
  • National Immunization Awareness Month
  • National Back-To-School Month


Week-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

August 4-10: International Assistance Dog Week (observed the first full week in August)



Daily Pet Holidays

August 1: DOGust Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs

August 4: Assistance Dog Day

August 5: Work Like a Dog Day

August 6: Fresh Breath Day

August 8: National CBD Day

August 8: International Cat Day

August 10: Spoil Your Dog Day

August 10: National Lazy Day

August 15: National Check the Chip Day

August 17: National Black Cat Appreciation Day & International Black Cat Day

August 17: Clear the Shelters Day (observed the third Saturday of August)

August 17: International Homeless Animals’ Day (observed the third Saturday of August)

August 22: National Take Your Cat To The Vet Day

August 23: International Blind Dog Day

August 26: National Dog Day & World Dog Day

August 28: Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

August 30: National Holistic Pet Day


Daily US Holidays

August 17: International Non-Profit Day






Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • Happy Healthy Cat Month
  • National Pet Insurance Month
  • Pet-Sitter Education Month
  • Animal Pain Awareness Month
  • National Service Dog Month
  • National Pet Memorial Month


Week-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

September 16-22: Adopt a Less-Adoptable-Pet Week (observed the third week in September)

September 22-28: National Dog Week (observed the last full week in September)

September 22-28: National Deaf Pet Awareness Week (observed the last full week in September)



Daily Pet Holidays

September 1: Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

September 8: National Dog Walker Appreciation Day

September 8: National Pet Memorial Day (observed the second Sunday in September)

September 8: National Hug Your Hound Day (observed the second Sunday in September)

September 13: Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day

September 21: AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day (observed the third Saturday in September)

September 21: Puppy Mill Awareness Day (observed the third Saturday in September)

September 17: National Pet Bird Day

September 23: Dogs in Politics Day

September 26: Remember Me Thursday (brings attention to the millions of adoptable pets waiting in shelters and those who never got a second chance, observed the fourth Thursday in September)

September 28: World Rabies Day



Daily US Holidays

September 2: Labor Day

September 8: Grandparent's Day

September 11: Anniversary of September 11

September 25: National Daughter’s Day

September 28: National Sons Day





Month-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

  • National Animal Safety and Protection Month
  • Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
  • National Pet Wellness Month
  • National Pitbull Awareness Month
  • National Women’s Small Business Month


Week-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations

October 1-7: National Walk Your Dog Week (observed the first week of October)

October 6-12: Animal Welfare Week (observed the first full week of October)

October 20-26: National Veterinary Technician Week



Daily Pet Holidays

October 1: National Walk Your Dog Day

October 1: National Fire Pup Day

October 1: National Black Dog Day

October 4: World Animal Day

October 12: Pet Obesity Awareness Day

October 18: Get To Know Your Customers Day

October 19: National Fetch Day (observed the third Saturday of October)

October 21: National Pets for Veterans Day

October 21: National Reptile Awareness Day

October 27: National Black Cat Day

October 28: National Pitbull Awareness Day

October 29: National Cat Day



Daily US Holidays

October 2: Rosh Hashanah begins

September 4: Rosh Hashanah ends

October 11: Yom Kippur Begins

October 12: Yom Kippur Ends

October 14: Columbus Day/Indigenous People Day

October 31: Halloween 







Month & Week-Long Pet Holiday Celebrations


Pet Cancer Awareness Month